Toru Seo is an Associate Professor at Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology, prior to the merger in 2024-10). He earned his doctoral degree in 2015 from Tokyo Institute of Technology and has held positions as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan and as an Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo. His primary research interests include transportation engineering and science, traffic flow theory, transportation data analysis, and transportation system modeling and management. He is the author of a Japanese textbook entitled "Macroscopic Traffic Flow Simulation: Fundamental Mathematical Theory and Python Implementation". He received the Transportation Research Part C Best Paper Award 2017, Kometani-Sasaki Award for Dissertation, and Best Paper Award at IEEE ITSC 2015.
[2024-06/2026-03] KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Development of statistical analysis and modeling methodology for dynamic transportation phenomena based on directional statistics, PI: Toru Seo, Total budget: JPY 4800k
[2024-04/2028-03] KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Development and Extensions of Normative Mathematical Models for Shared Autonomous Vehicle Transportation System, PI: Toru Seo, Total budget: JPY 14200k
[2025-04/2030-03] Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS), Japan Science and Technology Agency, The Project for Data Driven Dynamic Transport Management in Emerging Metropolis for Climate Change Mitigation, PI: Daisuke Fukuda
[2021-04/2024-03] Research Fund by Committee on Advanced Road Technology, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan, Next-gen traffic measurement methods combining camera images and multiple observation data, PI: Hideki Yaginuma, Total budget: JPY 0
[2019-04/2022-03] Research Fund by Committee on Advanced Road Technology, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan, Facility location and transportation management considering multi-scale modal cooperation, PI: Takahiko Kusakabe, Total budget: JPY 1650k
[2018-04/2021-03] Research Fund by Committee on Advanced Road Technology, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan, Tourism Congestion Management using Learning-based Monitoring and Prediction of Traffic, PI: Takashi Fuse, Total budget: JPY 9000k
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice; Transportation Research Part B: Methodological; Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies; Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review; Transportation; Transportation Research Record; Transportmetrica A; Transportmetrica B; IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems; IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics; IET Intelligent Transportation System; Travel Behaviour and Society; Transportation Letters; Transportation Planning and Technology; International Journal of Sustainable Transportation; Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications; International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research; Asian Transportation Studies; IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences; Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence; Artificial Life and Robotics; Hydrological Research Letters; Sensors; PLOS ONE; Entropy; Energies; MethodsX; Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3; JSTE Journal of Traffic Engineering; Transport Policy Studies' Review
International conference session chair
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems; EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting
Committee member etc.
[2024-04-01/] Member, Second academic subcommittee, Japan Society of Traffic Engineers
[2024-03-05/] Member, Scientific committee, The 12th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis conference (TRISTAN XII)
[2023-06/2025-03-31] Secretary, Secretariat of committee on traffic technology, Hanshin Expressway Company Limited
[2022-08-04/] Member, Study group for rail transport project evaluation, Japan Transport and Tourism Research Institute
[2022-06-10/2025-06] Associate Editor, Editorial committee on Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Japan Society of Civil Engineers
[2022-06-08/] Member, Committee on novel traffic control methods, Japan Society of Traffic Engineers
[2022-04-01/2025-05-31] Member, Committee on practical application of theory on traffic congestion at highway basic segments, Japan Society of Traffic Engineers
[2022-04/2023-01] Program Committee Member, The 20th ITS Symposium 2022, ITS Japan
[2018-10/2021-03] Member, Study group for rail transport project evaluation, Japan Transport and Tourism Research Institute
[2018-09/2019-06] Member, Working group for advanced road management using vehicle trajectory data, Japan Society of Traffic Engineers
[2017-02/2017-10] Invited Member, "Traffic Engineering" editorial committee, Japan Society of Traffic Engineers
[2024/] Transportation Science and Simulation, Institute of Science Tokyo (Graduate school)
[2024/] Research Opportunity in Laboratories (CVE) (partial), Institute of Science Tokyo
[2021/2023] Transportation Science and Simulation, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Graduate school)
[2021/2023] Frontiers in Civil Engineering (partial), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Graduate school)
[2024] Basic Mathematics for System Science (partial), Tokyo Institute of Technology
[2023/2024] School of Environment and Society Academic Group Basic Science I (partial), Tokyo Institute of Technology
[2023/2024] Introduction to Infrastructure and Environment (partial), Tokyo Institute of Technology
[2022/2024] Traffic and Transportation Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology
[2021/2023] Research Opportunity in Laboratories (CVE) (partial), Tokyo Institute of Technology
[2021/2024] Integrated Civil and Environmental Engineering Project (partial), Tokyo Institute of Technology
[2021/2024] Urban and Transportation Planning Project (partial), Tokyo Institute of Technology
[2021/2023] Surveying (partial, primary), Tokyo Institute of Technology
[2021/2022] Fundamentals of Infrastructure Planning (partial, primary), Tokyo Institute of Technology
[2019/2020] Spatial Information Engineering I (partial), The University of Tokyo
[2018/2019] Applied Project III (partial), The University of Tokyo
[2018/2020] Fieldwork Exercise (partial), The University of Tokyo
[2018/2020] Fieldwork in Spatial Information Engineering (partial), The University of Tokyo
[2011] Infrastructure Planning and Design (teaching assistant), Tokyo Institute of Technology
Doctor: 2 (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Master: 8 (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Bachelor: 7 (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Master (auxiliary): 2 (The University of Tokyo)
Bachelor (auxiliary): 3 (The University of Tokyo)
Awards won by supervised students: Paper Award, the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Reiwa 1st Fall Conference (2019); Kimura Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology (2022); Kikkawa–Yamaguchi Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology and its Alumni Association "Kyuyu" (2022); Outstanding Master Thesis Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology (2024)
Seo, T.Macroscopic Traffic Flow Simulation: Fundamental Mathematical Theory and Python Implementation. Corona Publishing Co., Ltd., 2023. (in Japanese). [English summary][Simulator page at Github]
Book Chapters
Wada, K., Seo, T., and Shiomi, Y. Flow breakdown. In Vickerman, R. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Transportation, Vol. 4, pp. 143–153. Elsevier, 2021. [PDF]
Wada, K., Seo, T., and Shiomi, Y. Bottleneck. In Vickerman, R. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Transportation, Vol. 4, pp. 134–142. Elsevier, 2021. [PDF]
Hayashi, K. and Seo, T. Vehicle and section-dependent speed-spacing relation estimation using hierarchical Bayesian model. Japanese Journal of JSCE, in press. (in Japanese).
Nagasaki, K. and Seo, T. Route choice model based on angular indicator and case study. Japanese Journal of JSCE, Vol. 79, No. 20, 2023. (in Japanese).
Sato, K., Seo, T., and Fuse, T. Data-driven dynamic congestion toll optimization methods based on reinforcement learning. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management), Vol. 76, No. 5, pp. I_1273–I_1285, 2021. (in Japanese).
Aiko, S., Thaithatkul, P., Seo, T., and Asakura, Y. Optimum routing of ride share vehicles for given activity patterns. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management), Vol. 73, No. 5, pp. I_1233–I_1242, 2017. (in Japanese).
Seo, T. and Kawase, R. Facility and dynamic fare design for multimodal automated vehicle logistics system under traffic flow constraints. In The 12th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis conference (TRISTAN XII), Okinawa, Japan, 2025, forthcoming.
Hayashi, K. and Seo, T. Estimating source of traffic congestion from vehicle trajectory data using hierarchical Bayesian model. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 2024.
Ma, Y. and Seo, T. Incorporating graph neural network into route choice model in road network. In IEEE 27th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Edmonton, Canada, 2024.
Seo, T., Maruyama, R., Wada, K., and Zhou, Y. Dynamic system optimal pricing for shared autonomous vehicles in congestible networks: Theoretical properties. In Conference in Emerging Technologies in Transportation Systems (TRC-30), Crete, Greece, 2024. [PDF]
Fujiya, K., Nagasaki, K., and Seo, T. Modeling pedestrian fundamental diagram based on directional statistics. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 2023. [PDF]
Nagasaki, K. and Seo, T.Route choice model using angular indicators. In Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 78, pp. 238–245, 2024. (The 25th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, 6–8 September 2023, Santander, Spain).
Zhong, H., Seo, T., Nakanishi, W., Yasuda, S., Asakura, Y., and Iryo, T. Generation of aggregated road network by vehicle trajectory data. In International Symposium on Transportation Data and Modelling 2023, Ispra, Italy, 2023. [PDF]
Seo, T. Understanding large-scale traffic flow using model-based and data-driven dimension reduction: with COVID-19 and Olympic-Paralympic case study. In International Symposium on Transportation Data and Modelling 2023, Ispra, Italy, 2023. [PDF]
Seo, T. and Asakura, Y. Multi-objective linear optimization for strategic planning of shared autonomous vehicle operation and infrastructure design. In The 8th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Web conference (Postponed from 2020), 2021. [slides][updated PDF][PDF]
Seo, T., Tago, Y., Shinkai, N., Nakanishi, M., Tanabe, J., Ushirogochi, D., Kanamori, S., Abe, A., Kodama, T., Yoshimura, S., Ishihara, M., and Nakanishi, W. Evaluation of large-scale complete vehicle trajectories dataset on two kilometers highway segment for one hour duration: Zen Traffic Data. In 2021 International Symposium on Transportation Data and Modelling, Web conference (Postponed from 2020), 2021. [PDF]
Fukuda, D., Imaoka, M., and Seo, T. Empirical investigation of fundamental diagram for urban rail transit using Tokyo's commuter rail data. In TRANSITDATA2019: 5th International Workshop and Symposium, Paris, France, 2019.
Seo, T. and Yin, Y. Optimal pricing for departure time choice problems with unknown preference and demand: Trial-and-error approach. In Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting, 2019. [PDF]
Thaithatkul, P., Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. User equilibrium model of ridesharing transport with high-occupancy vehicles lane. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport, Brisbane, Australia, 2018.
Kusakabe, T., Seo, T., Nakanishi, W., and Asakura, Y. Implementation of interactive online machine learning approach for smart phone based activity-travel survey. In The 15th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Santa Barbara, The United States, 2018.
Seo, T. and Yin, Y. Estimating individual congestion externality using connected vehicle data. In 2018 Global Symposium for Connected and Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure, Ann Arbor, The United States, 2018.
Lykov, S., Seo, T., and Asakura, Y. Analysis of spatiotemporal dependencies in two-dimensional traffic flow in large-scale urban area with probe vehicle data. In The 12th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2017.
Seo, T., Wada, K., and Fukuda, D. A macroscopic and dynamic model of urban rail transit with delay and congestion. In Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, The United States, 2017.
Thaithatkul, P., Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. Field experiment on traveler's behavior in smart ridesharing system. In The 21st International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 2016.
Seo, T., Wada, K., and Fukuda, D. A simplified model of urban railway system for dynamic traffic assignment. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, pp. 357–364, Hong Kong, 2016.
Thaithatkul, P., Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. User equilibria for ridesharing transportation. In The 5th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft, The Netherlands, 2016.
Thaithatkul, P., Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. Day-to-day dynamics of passenger matching problem in smart ridesharing systems. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, pp. 449–456, Hong Kong, 2015.
Thaithatkul, P., Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. A numerical study on the effect of variety of user preference to ridesharing system's performance. In The 7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development, Bangkok, Thailand, 2015. [Best Presentation Award]
Ozaki, N., Ueno, H., Sato, T., Wada, S., Ooba, Y., Suzuki, Y., Takahashi, Y., Sakai, H., Warita, H., Matsushita, M., Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. Image recognition based OBU probe system for traffic monitoring. In Proceedings of the 22nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 2015.
Thaithatkul, P., Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. A passengers matching problem in ridesharing systems by considering user preference. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Cebu, Philippines, 2015. [Outstanding Poster Presentation Award]
Kusakabe, T., Seo, T., Goto, H., and Asakura, Y. Interactive online machine learning approach for activity-travel survey. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, The United Kingdom, 2015.
Kusakabe, T., Seo, T., Goto, H., and Asakura, Y. Improving activity-travel survey using on-line machine learning and smartphone-based interactive system. In International Workshop on Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis and Multi-State Supernetwork Modeling, Hong Kong, 2014.
Nguyen, L. X., Seo, T., Van, H. T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. Mixed flow observation using video cameras on probe vehicles: A case study in Ho Chi Minh City. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, pp. 374–381, Hong Kong, 2014.
Narioka, N., Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. Incident detection method using longitudinal occupancy time-series data. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. Traffic flow monitoring utilizing on-vehicle devices of spacing measurement. In The 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013.
Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. Traffic state estimation method using probe vehicles equipped with spacing measurement system. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Recent Advances in Transport Modelling, Kings Cliff, Australia, 2013.
Fukuda, D., Seo, T., Yamada, K., Yaginuma, H., and Matsuyama, N. An econometric based pedestrian walking behaviour model implicitly considering strategic or tactical decisions. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Zürich, Switzerland, 2012.
Seo, T. and Yanagihara, M. Multi-class multi-lane traffic flow models. In Traffic Engineering, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 30–36. Japan Society of Traffic Engineers, 2017. (in Japanese).
Seo, T. Kinematic wave theory is a car-following model. In Traffic Engineering, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 18–24. Japan Society of Traffic Engineers, 2017. (in Japanese).