Source code for uxsim.TaxiHandler.TaxiHandler

Submodule for handling taxis

import random, math
import pandas as pd

[docs] class TripRequest: """ A class representing a trip request (or travelers, passengers, cargo, etc.) """
[docs] def __init__(s, W, H, orig, dest, depart_time, name=None, attribute=None): """ Initializes a trip request. Parameters ---------- W : World The world object. H : TaxiHandler The TaxiHandler object. orig : str | Node The origin node of the trip request. dest : str | Node The destination node of the trip request. depart_time : float The time at which the trip request departs. name : any, optional The name of the trip request. Default is None. attribute : any An optional attribute of the trip request. This can be used to store any information by users' need. """ s.W = W s.H = H s.orig = s.W.get_node(orig) s.dest = s.W.get_node(dest) s.depart_time = depart_time s.attribute = attribute = name s.get_taxi_time = None s.arrival_time = None = None
def __repr__(s): return f"TravelRequest({}: {s.orig}, {s.dest}, {s.depart_time})"
[docs] def get_on_taxi(s): """ The event of getting on a taxi. This is called via `Vehicle.event_node` """ #print(f"{s.W.TIME}: {s} is getting on a taxi {}")[s.dest] = s.arrive_at_dest s.get_taxi_time = s.W.TIME del[s.orig]
[docs] def arrive_at_dest(s): """ The event of arriving at the destination. This is called via `Vehicle.event_node` """ #print(f"{s.W.TIME}: {s} arrived at the destination {s.dest}") s.arrival_time = s.W.TIME del[s.dest]
[docs] class TaxiHandler: """ A base class for handling the assignment of trip requests to taxis (or ridesourcing, ridehailing, ridesharing, robot-taxi, shared mobility, whatever). """
[docs] def __init__(s, W): """ Initializes a taxi handler. Parameters ---------- W : World The world object. """ s.trip_requests = [] s.trip_requests_all = [] s.W = W random.seed(s.W.random_seed)
[docs] def add_trip_request(s, orig, dest, depart_time, name=None, attribute=None): """ Adds a trip request to this handler. Parameters ---------- orig : str | Node The origin node of the trip request. dest : str | Node The destination node of the trip request. depart_time : float The time at which the trip request departs. name : any, optional The name of the trip request. Default is None. attribute : any An optional attribute of the trip request. This can be used to store any information by users' need. """ if name == None: name = len(s.trip_requests) s.trip_requests.append(TripRequest(s.W, s, orig, dest, depart_time, name, attribute=attribute)) s.trip_requests_all.append(s.trip_requests[-1])
[docs] def assign_taxi(s, vehicle, trip_request): """ Assigns a trip request to a vehicle. Parameters ---------- vehicle : Vehicle The vehicle to assign the trip request to. """ #print(f"{s.W.TIME}: Assigning {trip_request} to {vehicle}") if trip_request not in s.trip_requests: raise ValueError("Travel request not found in the list of trip requests") vehicle.add_dest(trip_request.orig) vehicle.node_event[trip_request.orig] = trip_request.get_on_taxi = vehicle s.trip_requests.remove(trip_request)
[docs] def get_trip(s, tr): """ Get a TripRequest instance by name or object. Parameters ---------- tr : any | TripRequest The name or object of the trip request. """ if type(tr) is TripRequest: if tr in s.trip_requests_all: return tr else: for trr in s.trip_requests_all: if tr == return trr raise Exception(f"'{tr}' is not TripRequest of this TaxiHandler")
[docs] def compute_stats(s): """ Computes basic statistics of the taxi travels. """ s.n_total_requests = len(s.trip_requests_all)*s.W.DELTAN s.n_completed_requests = 0 s.waiting_times = [] s.travel_times = [] s.invehicle_times = [] s.number_of_taxis = sum([1 for veh in s.W.VEHICLES.values() if veh.mode == "taxi"])*s.W.DELTAN for tr in s.trip_requests_all: if tr.arrival_time != None: s.n_completed_requests += s.W.DELTAN s.invehicle_times.append(tr.arrival_time - tr.get_taxi_time) s.travel_times.append(tr.arrival_time - tr.depart_time) if tr.get_taxi_time != None: s.waiting_times.append(tr.get_taxi_time - tr.depart_time)
[docs] def basic_to_pandas(s): """ Converts the basic statistics on taxi travels to a pandas DataFrame. """ s.compute_stats() data = { "total_trips": [s.n_total_requests], "completed_trips": [s.n_completed_requests], "average_waiting_time": [sum(s.waiting_times)/len(s.waiting_times) if len(s.waiting_times) > 0 else 0], "average_invehicle_time": [sum(s.invehicle_times)/len(s.invehicle_times) if len(s.invehicle_times) > 0 else 0], "average_travel_time": [sum(s.travel_times)/len(s.travel_times) if len(s.travel_times) > 0 else 0], } return pd.DataFrame(data)
[docs] def print_stats(s): """ Prints the basic statistics. """ s.compute_stats() print("results for taxi transportation:") print(f" total trip rquests: {s.n_total_requests}") print(f" completed trip requests: {s.n_completed_requests}") print(f" completed trip requests ratio: {s.n_completed_requests/s.n_total_requests if s.n_total_requests > 0 else 0: .2f}") print(f" average number of completed requests per taxi: {s.n_completed_requests/s.number_of_taxis: .2f}") print(f" average waiting time: {sum(s.waiting_times)/len(s.waiting_times) if len(s.waiting_times) > 0 else 0: .1f}") print(f" average in-vehicle time: {sum(s.invehicle_times)/len(s.invehicle_times) if len(s.invehicle_times) > 0 else 0: .1f}") print(f" average trip time: {sum(s.travel_times)/len(s.travel_times) if len(s.travel_times) > 0 else 0: .1f}")
[docs] def trips_to_pandas(s): """ Converts the trips and their travel records to a pandas DataFrame. """ s.compute_stats() data = { "orig": [ for tr in s.trip_requests_all], "dest": [ for tr in s.trip_requests_all], "depart_time": [tr.depart_time for tr in s.trip_requests_all], "get_taxi_time": [tr.get_taxi_time for tr in s.trip_requests_all], "arrival_time": [tr.arrival_time for tr in s.trip_requests_all], "travel_time": [tr.arrival_time - tr.depart_time if tr.arrival_time != None else None for tr in s.trip_requests_all], "waiting_time": [tr.get_taxi_time - tr.depart_time if tr.get_taxi_time != None else None for tr in s.trip_requests_all], "used_taxi": [ if != None else None for tr in s.trip_requests_all], } return pd.DataFrame(data)
class TaxiHandler_random(TaxiHandler): """ A naive taxi handler that assigns trip requests to random taxis. """ def __init__(s, W): super().__init__(W) def assign_trip_request_to_taxi(s): """ Assigns trip request to random available taxi. """ vacant_taxis = [veh for veh in s.W.VEHICLES.values() if veh.mode == "taxi" and veh.state == "run" and veh.dest == None] random.shuffle(vacant_taxis) for trip_request in s.trip_requests[:]: if len(vacant_taxis) == 0: break if trip_request.depart_time <= s.W.TIME: taxi = vacant_taxis.pop() s.assign_taxi(taxi, trip_request)
[docs] class TaxiHandler_nearest(TaxiHandler): """ A taxi handler that assigns trip requests to nearest taxis (based on Euclidean distance). """
[docs] def __init__(s, W): super().__init__(W)
[docs] def assign_trip_request_to_taxi(s): """ Assigns trip request to nearest available taxi. """ vacant_taxis = [veh for veh in s.W.VEHICLES.values() if veh.mode == "taxi" and veh.state == "run" and veh.dest == None] for trip_request in s.trip_requests[:]: if len(vacant_taxis) == 0: break if trip_request.depart_time <= s.W.TIME: dist_tmp = float("inf") taxi_tmp = None for taxi in vacant_taxis[:]: x0, y0 = taxi.get_xy_coords() x1, y1 = trip_request.orig.x, trip_request.orig.y dist = math.sqrt((x0-x1)**2 + (y0-y1)**2) if dist <= dist_tmp: dist_tmp = dist taxi_tmp = taxi if taxi_tmp != None: vacant_taxis.remove(taxi_tmp) s.assign_taxi(taxi_tmp, trip_request)
class TaxiHandler_nearest_matching_radious(TaxiHandler): """ A taxi handler that assigns trip requests to nearest taxis that are within a certain radious of the origin node (based on Euclidean distance. """ def __init__(s, W, matching_radious): super().__init__(W) s.matching_radious = matching_radious def assign_trip_request_to_taxi(s): """ Assigns trip request to nearest available taxi that is within the radious of the origin node. """ vacant_taxis = [veh for veh in s.W.VEHICLES.values() if veh.mode == "taxi" and veh.state == "run" and veh.dest == None] for trip_request in s.trip_requests[:]: if len(vacant_taxis) == 0: break if trip_request.depart_time <= s.W.TIME: dist_tmp = float("inf") taxi_tmp = None for taxi in vacant_taxis[:]: x0, y0 = taxi.get_xy_coords() x1, y1 = trip_request.orig.x, trip_request.orig.y dist = math.sqrt((x0-x1)**2 + (y0-y1)**2) if dist <= s.matching_radious and dist <= dist_tmp: dist_tmp = dist taxi_tmp = taxi if taxi_tmp != None: vacant_taxis.remove(taxi_tmp) s.assign_taxi(taxi_tmp, trip_request) class TaxiHandler_nearest_network_distance(TaxiHandler): """ A taxi handler that assigns trip requests to nearest taxis based on network distance considering travel time as well. This would be useful, but not implemented. """ pass