Simulation Mechanism: Details

The below is further details on the mechanism and program structure with reference to the code elements.

Overall Structure

UXsim is built upon several core classes that represent different elements of a traffic network:

  • Node: Represents intersections or junctions where vehicles can enter, exit, or transfer between links.

  • Link: Represents road segments connecting nodes, modeling traffic flow dynamics.

  • Vehicle: Represents individual vehicles or platoons moving through the network.

  • RouteChoice: Handles route choice computations, allowing vehicles to select routes based on current traffic conditions.

  • World: The simulation environment that contains all nodes, links, vehicles, and manages the simulation execution.

  • Route: Represents a specific path (sequence of links) through the network.

Node Class

The Node class models intersections or junctions in the network. Each node has:

  • Position: Coordinates x and y for visualization.

  • Signal Control: Nodes can have traffic signals, specified by the signal attribute, which is a list representing signal phases (e.g., [60, 10, 50, 5] for four phases with respective durations in seconds).

  • Flow Capacity: Optionally limits the number of vehicles that can pass through the node (flow_capacity).

  • Vehicle Management:

    • Generation Queue: A queue (generation_queue) for vehicles waiting to enter the network.

    • Incoming Vehicles: A list (incoming_vehicles) of vehicles requesting to move to another link via this node.

  • Methods:

    • signal_control(): Updates the signal phase based on elapsed time.

    • flow_capacity_update(): Updates the remaining flow capacity at the node.

    • generate(): Moves vehicles from the generation queue onto outgoing links if possible.

    • transfer(): Manages vehicle movements between incoming and outgoing links, considering signal phases and capacities.

    • update(): Calls necessary update methods each simulation step.

Vehicle Class

The Vehicle class represents individual vehicles or platoons. Key features include:

  • Trip Details:

    • orig and dest: Origin and destination nodes.

    • departure_time: Scheduled time for the vehicle to start its trip.

    • arrival_time and travel_time: Recorded upon trip completion.

  • State Management:

    • state: Current state, such as “home”, “wait”, “run”, or “end”.

    • flag_waiting_for_trip_end: Indicates if the vehicle is ready to end its trip.

  • Position and Movement:

    • link: Current link the vehicle is on.

    • x: Position along the link.

    • v: Current speed.

    • lane: Assigned lane on multi-lane links.

    • leader and follower: References to adjacent vehicles for car-following behavior.

  • Route Choice:

    • route_pref: Preferences for choosing links based on route choice principles.

    • route_next_link: Next link the vehicle intends to take.

    • route_choice_principle: Strategy used for route selection (e.g., “homogeneous_DUO”).

  • Methods:

    • update(): Updates the vehicle’s state and position each simulation step.

    • end_trip(): Handles trip completion procedures.

    • carfollow(): Implements car-following logic to update position and speed.

    • route_pref_update(): Updates route preferences based on traffic conditions.

    • route_next_link_choice(): Chooses the next link to traverse.

RouteChoice Class

The RouteChoice class manages the route selection process for vehicles:

  • Shortest Path Computation:

    • route_search_all(): Computes shortest paths between all node pairs using Dijkstra’s algorithm.

  • Route Preference Update:

    • homogeneous_DUO_update(): Updates link preferences based on the Dynamic User Optimum (DUO) principle, promoting routes that minimize travel times.

World Class

The World class represents the entire simulation environment:

  • Global Parameters:

    • DELTAT: Simulation time step width, calculated from reaction time and platoon size.

    • REACTION_TIME and DELTAN: Driver reaction time and platoon size.

    • Route choice parameters like DUO_UPDATE_TIME, DUO_UPDATE_WEIGHT, and DUO_NOISE.

  • Data Structures:

    • Lists of NODES and LINKS.


  • Scenario Management:

    • Methods like addNode(), addLink(), and addVehicle() to build the network and populate it with vehicles.

    • finalize_scenario(): Prepares the simulation by setting time limits and initializing components.

  • Simulation Execution:

    • exec_simulation(): Runs the simulation loop, updating all components each time step.

    • simulation_terminated(): Handles post-simulation tasks like data analysis.

  • Utility Functions:

    • Methods to get nodes or links by name (get_node() and get_link()).

    • Functions to load and save scenarios.

    • Visualization tools like show_network().

Computation Procedure

The simulation in UXsim advances in discrete time steps, updating the state of vehicles, links, and nodes at each step based on predefined models and parameters.

  1. Initialization:

    • Define the simulation parameters and create a World instance.

    • Add nodes and links to build the network.

    • Populate the network with vehicles, specifying origins, destinations, and departure times.

    • Finalize the scenario with finalize_scenario().

  2. Main Simulation Loop (`exec_simulation()`):

    • Time Advancement: The simulation progresses one time step (DELTAT) at a time.

    • Link Updates: Each link updates its capacities and traffic state.

      • in_out_flow_constraint(): Manages inflow and outflow capacities.

      • set_traveltime_instant(): Updates instantaneous travel times.

    • Node Operations:

      • Nodes generate vehicles from their queues with generate().

      • Signals are updated via signal_control().

      • Vehicles are transferred between links using transfer().

    • Vehicle Updates:

      • Each vehicle updates its position and state with update().

      • Movement is calculated using carfollow() based on car-following models.

      • Route choices are made at nodes using route_next_link_choice().

    • Route Choice Updates:

      • At intervals defined by DUO_UPDATE_TIME, the route choice model updates vehicle preferences.

      • Shortest paths are recalculated with route_search_all().

      • Preferences are adjusted using homogeneous_DUO_update().

    • Data Logging:

      • Vehicles record their positions and states for analysis.

      • Traffic state data is collected for links and nodes.

  3. Termination:

    • The simulation ends when the maximum time is reached or all vehicles have completed their trips.

    • simulation_terminated() is called to perform any final calculations or data processing.

Traffic Flow Model Details

Fundamental Diagram Parameters

Each link uses a fundamental diagram to model traffic flow, characterized by:

  • Free Flow Speed (u): Speed under uncongested conditions.

  • Jam Density (kappa): Maximum density when the link is fully congested.

  • Reaction Time (REACTION_TIME): Affects the time step and driver response.

  • Derived Parameters:

    • Wave Speed (w): Speed at which congestion waves move backward.

    • Capacity (capacity): Maximum flow rate of the link.

    • Critical Density (k_star): Density at which flow reaches capacity.

    • Minimum Spacing (delta): Minimum distance between vehicles.

These parameters influence how vehicles accelerate, decelerate, and interact on the link.

Multi-Lane Modeling

  • Single-Pipe Approach: Even with multiple lanes, the link is treated as a single entity for flow calculations.

  • Lane Assignment:

    • Vehicles have a lane attribute to represent their lane.

    • No explicit lane-changing behavior is modeled.

  • Car-Following Behavior:

    • Vehicles adjust their speed based on the distance to the vehicle ahead in the same lane.

    • The carfollow() method implements this behavior.

Capacity and Bottlenecks

  • Inflow (`capacity_in`) and Outflow (`capacity_out`) Capacities:

    • Limit the number of vehicles entering or exiting a link.

    • Can model real-world bottlenecks like narrow bridges or toll booths.

  • Node Capacities:

    • Nodes can have a flow_capacity limiting throughput.

    • Signals at nodes further control vehicle movements.

Signal Control at Nodes

  • Signal Phases:

    • Nodes with traffic signals have defined phases, each with a duration.

    • Vehicles can only proceed if their link’s signal_group matches the current signal_phase.

  • Signal Timing:

    • The signal_control() method updates the current phase based on elapsed time and the signal schedule (signal attribute).

  • Impact on Vehicle Transfer:

    • Signals influence the transfer() method, determining whether vehicles can move between links.

Route Choice Modeling

Vehicles make route choices based on current traffic conditions, aiming to minimize travel times.

  • Dynamic User Optimum (DUO):

    • Vehicles periodically update their route preferences to follow the shortest paths.

    • The RouteChoice class computes these paths and updates preferences.

  • Stochasticity:

    • A small noise factor (DUO_NOISE) is added to travel times to prevent ties and promote variability.

  • Preference Updates:

    • Vehicles adjust their route_pref attributes based on updated shortest paths.

    • Gradual updates can be enabled to smooth transitions.

Key Inputs for Simulation

To set up a simulation in UXsim, the following inputs are essential:

  • Network Definition:

    • Nodes: Positions (x, y), signal settings, flow capacities.

    • Links: Start and end nodes, physical attributes (length, number_of_lanes), traffic flow parameters (free_flow_speed, jam_density), capacities, and signal groups.

  • Vehicle Demand:

    • Origin and destination nodes for each vehicle.

    • Departure times.

    • Route preferences or specific route choice principles if deviating from the default.

  • Global Simulation Parameters:

    • Time step settings (REACTION_TIME, DELTAN).

    • Route choice parameters (DUO_UPDATE_TIME, DUO_UPDATE_WEIGHT, DUO_NOISE).

    • Simulation duration (TMAX) if not automatically determined.

Program Structure and Workflow

  1. Initialize the World: - Create a World instance with desired global parameters.

  2. Define the Network:

    • Add nodes using addNode().

    • Add links using addLink().

  3. Specify Vehicle Demand:

    • Add vehicles individually using addVehicle().

    • Or use demand functions like adddemand() for bulk additions.

  4. Finalize the Scenario:

    • Call finalize_scenario() to prepare for simulation.

    • This sets up internal structures and calculates any derived parameters.

  5. Run the Simulation:

    • Execute exec_simulation() to start the simulation loop.

    • Can specify until_t or duration_t to control simulation length.

  6. Analyze Results:

    • Use built-in analysis tools in Analyzer or access logs from vehicles and links.

    • Visualization functions like show_network() help display results.