
Scenario reader and writer using toml.



A decorator to record arguments of World.addVehicle, World.adddemand, etc used in secenario definition in World object.


Convert an instance's attributes to a dictionary of constructor arguments.

load_scenario(W, fname[, network, demand])

Load scenario data from a file.

save_scenario(W, fname[, network, demand])

Save scenario data to a file.


A decorator to record arguments of World.addVehicle, World.adddemand, etc used in secenario definition in World object.


Convert an instance’s attributes to a dictionary of constructor arguments.

This function inspects an object instance and creates a dictionary of arguments that could be used to recreate the instance. It uses the signature of the class’s __init__ method to determine which attributes to include.


instance (object) – The instance to convert to a dictionary of arguments.


A dictionary where keys are parameter names and values are the corresponding attribute values from the instance.

Return type:



  • Parameters with default values are omitted if the instance’s value matches the default.

  • The ‘self’ parameter is always ignored.

  • The ‘W’ parameter, if present, is removed from the resulting dictionary.

  • Attributes of type ‘Node’ or ‘Link’ are replaced with their ‘name’ attribute.

uxsim.scenario_reader_writer.load_scenario(W, fname, network=True, demand=True)[source]

Load scenario data from a file.

This function loads various components of a scenario, including meta data, network information (nodes and links), and demand information, from a file created by the save_scenario function.

  • W (World) – The world to which the scenario data will be loaded.

  • fname (str) – The file name or path from which the scenario data will be loaded.

  • network (bool, optional) – If True, load network information (nodes and links). Default is True.

  • demand (bool, optional) – If True, load demand information. Default is True.

uxsim.scenario_reader_writer.save_scenario(W, fname, network=True, demand=True)[source]

Save scenario data to a file.

This function saves various components of a scenario, including meta data, network information (nodes and links), and demand information, to a file using pickle serialization.

  • W (World) – The world to be saved

  • fname (str) – The file name or path where the scenario data will be saved.

  • network (bool, optional) – If True, save network information (nodes and links). Default is True.

  • demand (bool, optional) – If True, save demand information. Default is True.


The function uses the pickle module to serialize the data. The saved file will be in binary format.

The saved data structure is a dictionary containing: - ‘meta_data’: Meta data from W.meta_data - ‘Nodes’ and ‘Links’: Network information (if network=True) - Demand information from W.demand_info (if demand=True)