Scenario reader and writer using toml.
import functools
import inspect
from collections import defaultdict as ddict
import dill as pickle
def demand_info_record(func):
A decorator to record arguments of `World.addVehicle`, `World.adddemand`, etc used in secenario definition in World object.
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
# 関数名を取得
func_name = func.__name__
# 引数の情報を取得
bound_args = inspect.signature(func).bind(self, *args, **kwargs)
# self引数を除外
arg_dict = dict(list(bound_args.arguments.items())[1:])
# direct_call=Trueが含まれている場合のみ保存
if arg_dict.get('direct_call') == True:
# direct_callを除いた引数を保存
arg_dict_to_save = {k: v for k, v in arg_dict.items() if k != 'direct_call'}
#arg_dict_to_save["] = func_name
# 関数名と引数をdict_func_argsに格納
# 元の関数を呼び出す
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def instance_to_arg_dict(instance):
Convert an instance's attributes to a dictionary of constructor arguments.
This function inspects an object instance and creates a dictionary of
arguments that could be used to recreate the instance. It uses the
signature of the class's __init__ method to determine which attributes
to include.
instance : object
The instance to convert to a dictionary of arguments.
A dictionary where keys are parameter names and values are the
corresponding attribute values from the instance.
- Parameters with default values are omitted if the instance's value
matches the default.
- The 'self' parameter is always ignored.
- The 'W' parameter, if present, is removed from the resulting dictionary.
- Attributes of type 'Node' or 'Link' are replaced with their 'name' attribute.
# クラスの__init__メソッドのシグネチャを取得
signature = inspect.signature(instance.__class__.__init__)
# インスタンス変数を取得
instance_vars = vars(instance)
# 引数リストを作成
args = {}
for param_name, param in signature.parameters.items():
if param_name == 'self':
value = instance_vars.get(param_name, param.default)
if value == param.default:
args[param_name] = value
for param in list(args):
if param == "W":
del args[param]
elif str(type(args[param])) == "<class 'uxsim.uxsim.Node'>":
args[param] = args[param].name
elif str(type(args[param])) == "<class 'uxsim.uxsim.Link'>":
args[param] = args[param].name
return args
def save_scenario(W, fname, network=True, demand=True):
Save scenario data to a file.
This function saves various components of a scenario, including meta data,
network information (nodes and links), and demand information, to a file
using pickle serialization.
W : World
The world to be saved
fname : str
The file name or path where the scenario data will be saved.
network : bool, optional
If True, save network information (nodes and links). Default is True.
demand : bool, optional
If True, save demand information. Default is True.
The function uses the pickle module to serialize the data. The saved file
will be in binary format.
The saved data structure is a dictionary containing:
- 'meta_data': Meta data from W.meta_data
- 'Nodes' and 'Links': Network information (if network=True)
- Demand information from W.demand_info (if demand=True)
out = {"meta_data": W.meta_data}
if network:
nodes = []
for n in W.NODES:
links = []
for l in W.LINKS:
network = {
"Nodes": nodes,
"Links": links
out = out | network
if demand:
out = out | dict(W.demand_info)
# from pprint import pprint
# pprint(out)
with open(fname, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(out, f)
def load_scenario(W, fname, network=True, demand=True):
Load scenario data from a file.
This function loads various components of a scenario, including meta data,
network information (nodes and links), and demand information, from a file
created by the save_scenario function.
W : World
The world to which the scenario data will be loaded.
fname : str
The file name or path from which the scenario data will be loaded.
network : bool, optional
If True, load network information (nodes and links). Default is True.
demand : bool, optional
If True, load demand information. Default is True.
with open(fname, "rb") as f:
dat = pickle.load(f)
# from pprint import pprint
# pprint(dat)
W.print(f"loading scenario from '{fname}'")
if dat["meta_data"]:
if type(dat["meta_data"]) is dict:
for key in dat["meta_data"]:
print("", key, ":", dat["meta_data"][key])
W.print("", dat["meta_data"])
if network:
for n in dat["Nodes"]:
for l in dat["Links"]:
W.print(" Number of loaded nodes:", len(dat["Nodes"]))
W.print(" Number of loaded links:", len(dat["Links"]))
if demand:
for demand_type in dat:
if demand_type == 'adddemand':
for dem in dat[demand_type]:
W.print(f" Number of loaded `{demand_type}`s:", len( dat[demand_type]))
elif demand_type == 'adddemand_point2point':
for dem in dat[demand_type]:
W.print(f" Number of loaded `{demand_type}`s:", len( dat[demand_type]))
elif demand_type == 'adddemand_area2area':
for dem in dat[demand_type]:
W.print(f" Number of loaded `{demand_type}`s:", len( dat[demand_type]))
elif demand_type == 'adddemand_nodes2nodes':
for dem in dat[demand_type]:
W.print(f" Number of loaded `{demand_type}`s:", len( dat[demand_type]))
elif demand_type == 'adddemand_area2area2':
for dem in dat[demand_type]:
W.print(f" Number of loaded `{demand_type}`s:", len( dat[demand_type]))
elif demand_type == 'adddemand_nodes2nodes2':
for dem in dat[demand_type]:
W.print(f" Number of loaded `{demand_type}`s:", len( dat[demand_type]))