Analyzer for a UXsim simulation result.
This module is automatically loaded when you import the `uxsim` module.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob, os, csv, time
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from PIL.Image import Resampling
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
from collections import defaultdict as ddict
from importlib.resources import files
from pathlib import Path
import io
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import floyd_warshall
from .utils import *
def load_font_data(font_path=None):
if font_path is None:
font_resource = files('uxsim.files').joinpath('HackGen-Regular.ttf')
with font_resource.open('rb') as f:
font_data = f.read()
font_file = Path(font_path)
with font_file.open('rb') as f:
font_data = f.read()
return font_data
# def load_font_data():
# font_data = read_binary("uxsim.files", "HackGen-Regular.ttf")
# return font_data
class Analyzer:
Class for analyzing and visualizing a simulation result.
def __init__(s, W, font_pillow=None, font_matplotlib=None):
Create result analysis object.
W : object
The world to which this belongs.
font_pillow : str, optional
The path to the font file for Pillow. If not provided, the default font for English and Japanese is used.
font_matplotlib : str, optional
The font name for Matplotlib. If not provided, the default font for English and Japanese is used.
s.W = W
os.makedirs(f"out{s.W.name}", exist_ok=True)
s.average_speed = 0
s.average_speed_count = 0
s.trip_completed = 0
s.trip_all = 0
s.total_travel_time = 0
s.average_travel_time = 0
s.flag_edie_state_computed = 0
s.flag_trajectory_computed = 0
s.flag_pandas_convert = 0
s.flag_od_analysis = 0
# visualization data
s.font_data = load_font_data(font_pillow)
s.font_file_like = io.BytesIO(s.font_data)
plt.rcParams["font.family"] = get_font_for_matplotlib(font_matplotlib)
def basic_analysis(s):
Analyze basic stats.
df = s.W.analyzer.od_to_pandas()
s.trip_completed = np.sum(df["completed_trips"])
s.trip_all = np.sum(df["total_trips"])
s.total_distance_traveled = np.sum(df["average_distance_traveled_per_veh"]*df["total_trips"])
if s.trip_completed:
s.total_travel_time = np.sum(df["completed_trips"]*df["average_travel_time"])
s.average_travel_time = s.total_travel_time/s.trip_completed
s.total_delay = np.sum(df["completed_trips"]*(df["average_travel_time"]-df["free_travel_time"]))
s.average_delay = s.total_delay/s.trip_completed
s.total_travel_time = -1
s.average_travel_time = -1
s.total_delay = -1
s.average_delay = -1
def od_analysis(s):
Analyze OD-specific stats: number of trips, number of completed trips, free-flow travel time, average travel time, its std, total distance traveled
if s.flag_od_analysis:
return 0
s.flag_od_analysis = 1
s.od_trips = ddict(lambda: 0)
s.od_trips_comp = ddict(lambda: 0)
s.od_tt_free = ddict(lambda: 0)
s.od_tt = ddict(lambda: [])
s.od_tt_ave = ddict(lambda: 0)
s.od_tt_std = ddict(lambda: 0)
s.od_dist = ddict(lambda: [])
s.od_dist_total = ddict(lambda: 0)
s.od_dist_ave = ddict(lambda: 0)
s.od_dist_std = ddict(lambda: 0)
s.od_dist_min = ddict(lambda: 0)
dn = s.W.DELTAN
adj_mat_time = np.zeros([len(s.W.NODES), len(s.W.NODES)])
adj_mat_dist = np.zeros([len(s.W.NODES), len(s.W.NODES)])
for link in s.W.LINKS:
i = link.start_node.id
j = link.end_node.id
if s.W.ADJ_MAT[i,j]:
adj_mat_time[i,j] = link.length/link.u
adj_mat_dist[i,j] = link.length
if link.capacity_in == 0: #流入禁止の場合は通行不可
adj_mat_time[i,j] = np.inf
adj_mat_dist[i,j] = np.inf
adj_mat_time[i,j] = np.inf
adj_mat_dist[i,j] = np.inf
dist_time = floyd_warshall(adj_mat_time)
dist_space = floyd_warshall(adj_mat_dist)
for veh in s.W.VEHICLES.values():
o = veh.orig
d = veh.dest
if d != None:
s.od_trips[o,d] += dn
veh_links = [rec[1] for rec in veh.log_t_link if hasattr(rec[1], "length")]
veh_dist_traveled = sum([l.length for l in veh_links])
if veh.state == "run":
veh_dist_traveled += veh.x
veh.distance_traveled = veh_dist_traveled
if veh.travel_time != -1:
s.od_trips_comp[o,d] += dn
for o,d in s.od_tt.keys():
s.od_tt_ave[o,d] = np.average(s.od_tt[o,d])
s.od_tt_std[o,d] = np.std(s.od_tt[o,d])
s.od_tt_free[o,d] = dist_time[o.id, d.id]
s.od_dist_total[o,d] = np.sum(s.od_dist[o,d])
s.od_dist_min[o,d] = dist_space[o.id, d.id]
s.od_dist_ave[o,d] = np.average(s.od_dist[o,d])
s.od_dist_std[o,d] = np.std(s.od_dist[o,d])
def link_analysis_coarse(s):
Analyze link-level coarse stats: traffic volume, remaining vehicles, free-flow travel time, average travel time, its std.
s.linkc_volume = ddict(lambda:0)
s.linkc_tt_free = ddict(lambda:0)
s.linkc_tt_ave = ddict(lambda:-1)
s.linkc_tt_std = ddict(lambda:-1)
s.linkc_remain = ddict(lambda:0)
for l in s.W.LINKS:
s.linkc_volume[l] = l.cum_departure[-1]
s.linkc_remain[l] = l.cum_arrival[-1]-l.cum_departure[-1]
s.linkc_tt_free[l] = l.length/l.u
if s.linkc_volume[l]:
s.linkc_tt_ave[l] = np.average([t for t in l.traveltime_actual if t>0])
s.linkc_tt_std[l] = np.std([t for t in l.traveltime_actual if t>0])
def compute_accurate_traj(s):
Generate more complete vehicle trajectories for each link by extrapolating recorded trajectories. It is assumed that vehicles are in free-flow travel at the end of the link.
if s.W.vehicle_logging_timestep_interval != 1:
warnings.warn("vehicle_logging_timestep_interval is not 1. The trajecotries are not exactly accurate.", LoggingWarning)
if s.flag_trajectory_computed:
return 0
s.flag_trajectory_computed = 1
for veh in s.W.VEHICLES.values():
l_old = None
for i in lange(veh.log_t):
if veh.log_link[i] != -1:
l = s.W.get_link(veh.log_link[i])
if l_old != l:
l_old = l
for l in s.W.LINKS:
for i in lange(l.xss):
if len(l.xss[i]):
if l.xss[i][0] != 0:
x_remain = l.xss[i][0]
if x_remain/l.u > s.W.DELTAT*0.01:
l.xss[i].insert(0, 0)
l.tss[i].insert(0, l.tss[i][0]-x_remain/l.u)
if l.length-l.u*s.W.DELTAT <= l.xss[i][-1] < l.length:
x_remain = l.length-l.xss[i][-1]
if x_remain/l.u > s.W.DELTAT*0.01:
def compute_edie_state(s):
Compute Edie's traffic state for each link.
if s.flag_edie_state_computed:
return 0
s.flag_edie_state_computed = 1
for l in s.W.LINKS:
DELTAX = l.edie_dx
DELTATE = l.edie_dt
MAXX = l.length
tn = [[ddict(lambda: 0) for i in range(int(MAXX/DELTAX))] for j in range(int(MAXT/DELTATE))]
dn = [[ddict(lambda: 0) for i in range(int(MAXX/DELTAX))] for j in range(int(MAXT/DELTATE))]
l.k_mat = np.zeros([int(MAXT/DELTATE), int(MAXX/DELTAX)])
l.q_mat = np.zeros([int(MAXT/DELTATE), int(MAXX/DELTAX)])
l.v_mat = np.zeros([int(MAXT/DELTATE), int(MAXX/DELTAX)])
for v in lange(l.xss):
for i in lange(l.xss[v][:-1]):
i0 = l.names[v]
x0 = l.xss[v][i]
x1 = l.xss[v][i+1]
t0 = l.tss[v][i]
t1 = l.tss[v][i+1]
if t1-t0 != 0:
v0 = (x1-x0)/(t1-t0)
v0 = 0
tt = int(t0//dt)
xx = int(x0//dx)
if v0 > 0:
xl0 = dx-x0%dx
xl1 = x1%dx
tl0 = xl0/v0
tl1 = xl1/v0
if tt < int(MAXT/DELTATE) and xx < int(MAXX/DELTAX):
if xx == x1//dx:
dn[tt][xx][i0] += x1-x0
tn[tt][xx][i0] += t1-t0
#(x+n, t)
jj = int(x1//dx-xx+1)
for j in range(jj):
if xx+j < int(MAXX/DELTAX):
if j == 0:
dn[tt][xx+j][i0] += xl0
tn[tt][xx+j][i0] += tl0
elif j == jj-1:
dn[tt][xx+j][i0] += xl1
tn[tt][xx+j][i0] += tl1
dn[tt][xx+j][i0] += dx
tn[tt][xx+j][i0] += dx/v0
if tt < int(MAXT/DELTATE) and xx < int(MAXX/DELTAX):
dn[tt][xx][i0] += 0
tn[tt][xx][i0] += t1-t0
for i in lange(tn):
for j in lange(tn[i]):
t = list(tn[i][j].values())*s.W.DELTAN
d = list(dn[i][j].values())*s.W.DELTAN
l.tn_mat[i,j] = sum(t)
l.dn_mat[i,j] = sum(d)
l.k_mat[i,j] = l.tn_mat[i,j]/DELTATE/DELTAX
l.q_mat[i,j] = l.dn_mat[i,j]/DELTATE/DELTAX
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
l.v_mat = l.q_mat/l.k_mat
l.v_mat = np.nan_to_num(l.v_mat, nan=l.u)
def print_simple_stats(s, force_print=False):
Prints basic statistics of simulation result.
force_print : bool, optional
print the stats regardless of the value of `print_mode`
s.W.print(f" average speed:\t {s.average_speed:.1f} m/s")
s.W.print(" number of completed trips:\t", s.trip_completed, "/", s.trip_all)
#s.W.print(" number of completed trips:\t", s.trip_completed, "/", len(s.W.VEHICLES)*s.W.DELTAN)
if s.trip_completed > 0:
s.W.print(f" average travel time of trips:\t {s.average_travel_time:.1f} s")
s.W.print(f" average delay of trips:\t {s.average_delay:.1f} s")
s.W.print(f" delay ratio:\t\t\t {s.average_delay/s.average_travel_time:.3f}")
s.W.print(f" total distance traveled:\t {s.total_distance_traveled:.1f} m")
if force_print == 1 and s.W.print_mode == 0:
print(f" average speed:\t {s.average_speed:.1f} m/s")
print(" number of completed trips:\t", s.trip_completed, "/", s.trip_all)
#print(" number of completed trips:\t", s.trip_completed, "/", len(s.W.VEHICLES)*s.W.DELTAN)
if s.trip_completed > 0:
print(f" average travel time of trips:\t {s.average_travel_time:.1f} s")
print(f" average delay of trips:\t {s.average_delay:.1f} s")
print(f" delay ratio:\t\t\t {s.average_delay/s.average_travel_time:.3f}")
print(f" total distance traveled:\t {s.total_distance_traveled:.1f} m")
def comp_route_travel_time(s, t, route):
def time_space_diagram_traj(s, links=None, figsize=(12,4), plot_signal=True, xlim=None, ylim=None):
Draws the time-space diagram of vehicle trajectories for vehicles on specified links.
links : list of link or link, optional
The names of the links for which the time-space diagram is to be plotted.
If None, the diagram is plotted for all links in the network. Default is None.
figsize : tuple of int, optional
The size of the figure to be plotted, default is (12,4).
plot_signal : bool, optional
Plot the downstream signal red light.
if s.W.vehicle_logging_timestep_interval != 1:
warnings.warn("vehicle_logging_timestep_interval is not 1. The plot is not exactly accurate.", LoggingWarning)
if links == None:
links = s.W.LINKS
if type(links) == str:
links = [links]
except TypeError:
links = [links]
for lll in links:
s.time_space_diagram_traj_links(linkslist=[lll], figsize=figsize, plot_signal=plot_signal, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
def time_space_diagram_density(s, links=None, figsize=(12,4), plot_signal=True, xlim=None, ylim=None):
Draws the time-space diagram of traffic density on specified links.
links : list of link or link, optional
The names of the links for which the time-space diagram is to be plotted.
If None, the diagram is plotted for all links in the network. Default is None.
figsize : tuple of int, optional
The size of the figure to be plotted, default is (12,4).
plot_signal : bool, optional
Plot the downstream signal red light.
if s.W.vehicle_logging_timestep_interval != 1:
warnings.warn("vehicle_logging_timestep_interval is not 1. The plot is not exactly accurate.", LoggingWarning)
s.W.print(" drawing traffic states...")
if links == None:
links = s.W.LINKS
if type(links) == str:
links = [links]
except TypeError:
links = [links]
for lll in tqdm(links, disable=(s.W.print_mode==0)):
l = s.W.get_link(lll)
plt.imshow(l.k_mat.T, origin="lower", aspect="auto",
extent=(0, int(s.W.TMAX/l.edie_dt)*l.edie_dt, 0, int(l.length/l.edie_dx)*l.edie_dx),
interpolation="none", vmin=0, vmax=1/l.delta, cmap="inferno")
if plot_signal:
signal_log = [i*s.W.DELTAT for i in lange(l.end_node.signal_log) if (l.end_node.signal_log[i] not in l.signal_group and len(l.end_node.signal)>1)]
plt.plot(signal_log, [l.length for i in lange(signal_log)], "r.")
plt.colorbar().set_label("density (veh/m)")
plt.xlabel("time (s)")
plt.ylabel("space (m)")
if xlim == None:
plt.xlim([0, s.W.TMAX])
if ylim == None:
plt.ylim([0, l.length])
if s.W.save_mode:
if s.W.show_mode:
def time_space_diagram_traj_links(s, linkslist, figsize=(12,4), plot_signal=True, xlim=None, ylim=None):
Draws the time-space diagram of vehicle trajectories for vehicles on concective links.
linkslist : list of link or list of list of link
The names of the concective links for which the time-space diagram is to be plotted.
figsize : tuple of int, optional
The size of the figure to be plotted, default is (12,4).
plot_signal : bool, optional
Plot the signal red light.
if s.W.vehicle_logging_timestep_interval != 1:
warnings.warn("vehicle_logging_timestep_interval is not 1. The plot is not exactly accurate.", LoggingWarning)
s.W.print(" drawing trajectories...")
if type(linkslist[0]) == str:
linkslist = [linkslist]
except TypeError:
linkslist = [linkslist]
for links in linkslist:
linkdict = dict()
d = 0
for ll in links:
l = s.W.get_link(ll)
linkdict[l] = d
d += l.length
for ll in links:
l = s.W.get_link(ll)
for i in range(len(l.xss)):
lane_shift = l.ls[i]/l.number_of_lanes*s.W.DELTAT/2 #vehicle with the same lane is plotted slightly shifted
plt.plot(np.array(l.tss[i])+lane_shift, np.array(l.xss[i])+linkdict[l], "-", c=l.cs[i], lw=0.5)
if plot_signal:
signal_log = [i*s.W.DELTAT for i in lange(l.end_node.signal_log) if (l.end_node.signal_log[i] not in l.signal_group and len(l.end_node.signal)>1)]
plt.plot(signal_log, [l.length+linkdict[l] for i in lange(signal_log)], "r.")
for l in linkdict.keys():
plt.plot([0, s.W.TMAX], [linkdict[l], linkdict[l]], "k--", lw=0.7)
plt.plot([0, s.W.TMAX], [linkdict[l]+l.length, linkdict[l]+l.length], "k--", lw=0.7)
plt.text(0, linkdict[l]+l.length/2, l.name, va="center", c="b")
plt.text(0, linkdict[l], l.start_node.name, va="center", c="g")
plt.text(0, linkdict[l]+l.length, l.end_node.name, va="center", c="g")
plt.xlabel("time (s)")
plt.ylabel("space (m)")
plt.xlim([0, s.W.TMAX])
if xlim == None:
plt.xlim([0, s.W.TMAX])
if ylim == None:
if s.W.save_mode:
if len(links) == 1:
plt.savefig(f"out{s.W.name}/tsd_traj_links_{'-'.join([s.W.get_link(l).name for l in links])}.png")
if s.W.show_mode:
def cumulative_curves(s, links=None, figsize=(6,4)):
Plots the cumulative curves and travel times for the provided links.
links : list or object, optional
A list of links or a single link for which the cumulative curves and travel times are to be plotted.
If not provided, the cumulative curves and travel times for all the links in the network will be plotted.
figsize : tuple of int, optional
The size of the figure to be plotted. Default is (6, 4).
This method plots the cumulative curves for vehicle arrivals and departures, as well as the instantaneous and actual travel times.
The plots are saved to the directory `out<W.name>` with the filename format `cumulative_curves_<link.name>.png`.
if links == None:
links = s.W.LINKS
if type(links) == str:
flag_single = 1
except TypeError:
links = [links]
for link in links:
link = s.W.get_link(link)
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.plot(range(0, s.W.TMAX, s.W.DELTAT), link.cum_arrival, "r-", label="arrival")
ax1.plot(range(0, s.W.TMAX, s.W.DELTAT), link.cum_departure, "b-", label="departure")
ax2.plot(range(0, s.W.TMAX, s.W.DELTAT), link.traveltime_instant, ".", c="gray", ms=0.5, label="instantaneous")
ax2.plot(range(0, s.W.TMAX, s.W.DELTAT), link.traveltime_actual, "k.", ms=1, label="actual")
ax1.set_ylabel("cumlative count (veh)")
ax2.set_ylabel("travel time (s)")
ax1.legend(loc="upper left")
ax2.legend(loc="upper right")
if s.W.save_mode:
if s.W.show_mode:
def network(s, t=None, detailed=1, minwidth=0.5, maxwidth=12, left_handed=1, tmp_anim=0, figsize=(6,6), network_font_size=4, node_size=2):
Visualizes the entire transportation network and its current traffic conditions.
t : float, optional
The current time for which the traffic conditions are visualized.
detailed : int, optional
Determines the level of detail in the visualization.
If set to 1, the link internals (cell) are displayed in detail.
If set to 0, the visualization is simplified to link-level. Default is 1.
minwidth : float, optional
The minimum width of the link visualization. Default is 0.5.
maxwidth : float, optional
The maximum width of the link per lane visualization. Default is 12.
left_handed : int, optional
If set to 1, the left-handed traffic system (e.g., Japan, UK) is used. If set to 0, the right-handed one is used. Default is 1.
tmp_anim : int, optional
If set to 1, the visualization will be saved as a temporary animation frame. Default is 0.
figsize : tuple of int, optional
The size of the figure to be plotted. Default is (6, 6).
network_font_size : int, optional
The font size for the network labels. Default is 4.
node_size : int, optional
The size of the nodes in the visualization. Default is 2.
This method visualizes the entire transportation network and its current traffic conditions.
The visualization provides information on vehicle density, velocity, link names, node locations, and more.
The plots are saved to the directory `out<W.name>` with filenames depending on the `detailed` and `t` parameters.
plt.subplot(111, aspect="equal")
plt.title(f"t = {t :>8} (s)")
for n in s.W.NODES:
plt.plot(n.x, n.y, "ko", ms=node_size, zorder=10)
if network_font_size > 0:
plt.text(n.x, n.y, n.name, c="g", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="top", zorder=20, fontsize=network_font_size)
for l in s.W.LINKS:
x1, y1 = l.start_node.x, l.start_node.y
x2, y2 = l.end_node.x, l.end_node.y
vx, vy = (y1-y2)*0.05, (x2-x1)*0.05
if not left_handed:
vx, vy = -vx, -vy
if detailed:
xsize = l.k_mat.shape[1]-1
c = ["k" for i in range(xsize)]
lw = [1 for i in range(xsize)]
for i in range(xsize):
k = l.k_mat[int(t/l.edie_dt), i+1]
v = l.v_mat[int(t/l.edie_dt), i+1]
warnings.warn(f"invalid time {t} is specified for network visualization", UserWarning)
return -1
lw[i] = k*l.delta*(maxwidth*l.number_of_lanes-minwidth)+minwidth
c[i] = plt.colormaps["viridis"](v/l.u)
xmid = [((xsize-i)*x1+(i+1)*x2)/(xsize+1)+vx for i in range(xsize)]
ymid = [((xsize-i)*y1+(i+1)*y2)/(xsize+1)+vy for i in range(xsize)]
plt.plot([x1]+xmid+[x2], [y1]+ymid+[y2], "k--", lw=0.25, zorder=5)
for i in range(xsize-1):
plt.plot([xmid[i], xmid[i+1]], [ymid[i], ymid[i+1]], c=c[i], lw=lw[i], zorder=6)
if network_font_size > 0:
plt.text(xmid[int(len(xmid)/2)], ymid[int(len(xmid)/2)], l.name, c="b", zorder=20, fontsize=network_font_size)
k = (l.cum_arrival[int(t/s.W.DELTAT)]-l.cum_departure[int(t/s.W.DELTAT)])/l.length
v = l.length/l.traveltime_instant[int(t/s.W.DELTAT)]
width = k*l.delta*(maxwidth*l.number_of_lanes-minwidth)+minwidth
c = plt.colormaps["viridis"](v/l.u)
xmid1, ymid1 = (2*x1+x2)/3+vx, (2*y1+y2)/3+vy
xmid2, ymid2 = (x1+2*x2)/3+vx, (y1+2*y2)/3+vy
plt.plot([x1, xmid1, xmid2, x2], [y1, ymid1, ymid2, y2], "k--", lw=0.25, zorder=5)
plt.plot([x1, xmid1, xmid2, x2], [y1, ymid1, ymid2, y2], c=c, lw=width, zorder=6, solid_capstyle="butt")
if network_font_size > 0:
plt.text(xmid1, ymid1, l.name, c="b", zorder=20, fontsize=network_font_size)
maxx = max([n.x for n in s.W.NODES])
minx = min([n.x for n in s.W.NODES])
maxy = max([n.y for n in s.W.NODES])
miny = min([n.y for n in s.W.NODES])
buffx, buffy = (maxx-minx)/10, (maxy-miny)/10
if buffx == 0:
buffx = buffy
if buffy == 0:
buffy = buffx
plt.xlim([minx-buffx, maxx+buffx])
plt.ylim([miny-buffy, maxy+buffy])
if tmp_anim:
if s.W.save_mode:
if s.W.show_mode:
def network_pillow(s, t=None, detailed=1, minwidth=0.5, maxwidth=12, left_handed=1, tmp_anim=0, figsize=6, network_font_size=20, node_size=2, image_return=0):
Visualizes the entire transportation network and its current traffic conditions. Faster implementation using Pillow.
t : float, optional
The current time for which the traffic conditions are visualized.
detailed : int, optional
Determines the level of detail in the visualization.
If set to 1, the link internals (cell) are displayed in detail.
If set to 0, the visualization is simplified to link-level. Default is 1.
minwidth : float, optional
The minimum width of the link visualization. Default is 0.5.
maxwidth : float, optional
The maximum width of the link visualization. Default is 12.
left_handed : int, optional
If set to 1, the left-handed traffic system (e.g., Japan, UK) is used. If set to 0, the right-handed one is used. Default is 1.
tmp_anim : int, optional
If set to 1, the visualization will be saved as a temporary animation frame. Default is 0.
figsize : tuple of int, optional
The size of the figure to be plotted. Default is (6, 6).
network_font_size : int, optional
The font size for the network labels. Default is 4.
node_size : int, optional
The size of the nodes in the visualization. Default is 2.
This method visualizes the entire transportation network and its current traffic conditions.
The visualization provides information on vehicle density, velocity, link names, node locations, and more.
The plots are saved to the directory `out<W.name>` with filenames depending on the `detailed` and `t` parameters.
maxx = max([n.x for n in s.W.NODES])
minx = min([n.x for n in s.W.NODES])
maxy = max([n.y for n in s.W.NODES])
miny = min([n.y for n in s.W.NODES])
scale = 2
coef = figsize*100*scale/(maxx-minx)
coef = figsize[0]*100*scale/(maxx-minx)
maxx *= coef
minx *= coef
maxy *= coef
miny *= coef
minwidth *= scale
maxwidth *= scale
buffer = (maxx-minx)/10
maxx += buffer
minx -= buffer
maxy += buffer
miny -= buffer
img = Image.new("RGBA", (int(maxx-minx), int(maxy-miny)), (255, 255, 255, 255))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
font_data = load_font_data()
font_file_like = io.BytesIO(font_data)
if network_font_size > 0:
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_file_like, int(network_font_size))
def flip(y):
return img.size[1]-y
for l in s.W.LINKS:
x1, y1 = l.start_node.x*coef-minx, l.start_node.y*coef-miny
x2, y2 = l.end_node.x*coef-minx, l.end_node.y*coef-miny
vx, vy = (y1-y2)*0.05, (x2-x1)*0.05
if not left_handed:
vx, vy = -vx, -vy
k = (l.cum_arrival[int(t/s.W.DELTAT)]-l.cum_departure[int(t/s.W.DELTAT)])/l.length
v = l.length/l.traveltime_instant[int(t/s.W.DELTAT)]
width = k*l.delta*(maxwidth-minwidth)+minwidth
c = plt.colormaps["viridis"](v/l.u)
xmid1, ymid1 = (2*x1+x2)/3+vx, (2*y1+y2)/3+vy
xmid2, ymid2 = (x1+2*x2)/3+vx, (y1+2*y2)/3+vy
draw.line([(x1, flip(y1)), (xmid1, flip(ymid1)), (xmid2, flip(ymid2)), (x2, flip(y2))], fill=(int(c[0]*255), int(c[1]*255), int(c[2]*255)), width=int(width), joint="curve")
if network_font_size > 0:
draw.text((xmid1, flip(ymid1)), l.name, font=font, fill="blue", anchor="mm")
for n in s.W.NODES:
if network_font_size > 0:
draw.text(((n.x)*coef-minx, flip((n.y)*coef-miny)), n.name, font=font, fill="green", anchor="mm")
draw.text(((n.x)*coef-minx, flip((n.y)*coef-miny)), n.name, font=font, fill="green", anchor="mm")
font_data = load_font_data()
font_file_like = io.BytesIO(font_data)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_file_like, int(30))
draw.text((img.size[0]/2,20), f"t = {t :>8} (s)", font=font, fill="black", anchor="mm")
img = img.resize((int((maxx-minx)/scale), int((maxy-miny)/scale)), resample=Resampling.LANCZOS)
if image_return:
return img
elif tmp_anim:
if s.W.save_mode:
def show_simulation_progress(s):
Print simulation progress.
if s.W.print_mode:
vehs = [l.density*l.length for l in s.W.LINKS]
sum_vehs = sum(vehs)
vs = [l.density*l.length*l.speed for l in s.W.LINKS]
if sum_vehs > 0:
avev = sum(vs)/sum_vehs
avev = 0
print(f"{s.W.TIME:>8.0f} s| {sum_vehs:>8.0f} vehs| {avev:>4.1f} m/s| {time.time()-s.W.sim_start_time:8.2f} s", flush=True)
def network_anim(s, animation_speed_inverse=10, detailed=0, minwidth=0.5, maxwidth=12, left_handed=1, figsize=(6,6), node_size=2, network_font_size=20, timestep_skip=24, file_name=None):
Generates an animation of the entire transportation network and its traffic states over time.
animation_speed_inverse : int, optional
The inverse of the animation speed. A higher value will result in a slower animation. Default is 10.
detailed : int, optional
Determines the level of detail in the animation.
If set to 1, the link internals (cell) are displayed in detail.
Under some conditions, the detailed mode will produce inappropriate visualization.
If set to 0, the visualization is simplified to link-level. Default is 0.
minwidth : float, optional
The minimum width of the link visualization in the animation. Default is 0.5.
maxwidth : float, optional
The maximum width of the link visualization in the animation. Default is 12.
left_handed : int, optional
If set to 1, the left-handed traffic system (e.g., Japan, UK) is used. If set to 0, the right-handed one is used. Default is 1.
figsize : tuple of int, optional
The size of the figures in the animation. Default is (6, 6).
node_size : int, optional
The size of the nodes in the animation. Default is 2.
network_font_size : int, optional
The font size for the network labels in the animation. Default is 20.
timestep_skip : int, optional
How many timesteps are skipped per frame. Large value means coarse and lightweight animation. Default is 8.
file_name : str, optional
The name of the file to which the animation is saved. It overrides the defauld name. Default is None.
This method generates an animation visualizing the entire transportation network and its traffic conditions over time.
The animation provides information on vehicle density, velocity, link names, node locations, and more.
The generated animation is saved to the directory `out<W.name>` with a filename based on the `detailed` parameter.
Temporary images used to create the animation are removed after the animation is generated.
s.W.print(" generating animation...")
pics = []
for t in tqdm(range(0, s.W.TMAX, s.W.DELTAT*timestep_skip), disable=(s.W.print_mode==0)):
if int(t/s.W.LINKS[0].edie_dt) < s.W.LINKS[0].k_mat.shape[0]:
if detailed:
#todo_later: 今後はこちらもpillowにする
s.network(int(t), detailed=detailed, minwidth=minwidth, maxwidth=maxwidth, left_handed=left_handed, tmp_anim=1, figsize=figsize, node_size=node_size, network_font_size=network_font_size)
s.network_pillow(int(t), detailed=detailed, minwidth=minwidth, maxwidth=maxwidth, left_handed=left_handed, tmp_anim=1, figsize=figsize, node_size=node_size, network_font_size=network_font_size)
fname = f"out{s.W.name}/anim_network{detailed}.gif"
if file_name != None:
fname = file_name
pics[0].save(fname, save_all=True, append_images=pics[1:], optimize=False, duration=animation_speed_inverse*timestep_skip, loop=0)
for f in glob.glob(f"out{s.W.name}/tmp_anim_*.png"):
def network_fancy(s, animation_speed_inverse=10, figsize=6, sample_ratio=0.3, interval=5, network_font_size=0, trace_length=3, speed_coef=2, file_name=None, antialiasing=True):
Generates a visually appealing animation of vehicles' trajectories across the entire transportation network over time.
animation_speed_inverse : int, optional
The inverse of the animation speed. A higher value will result in a slower animation. Default is 10.
figsize : int or tuple of int, optional
The size of the figures in the animation. Default is 6.
sample_ratio : float, optional
The fraction of vehicles to be visualized. Default is 0.3.
interval : int, optional
The interval at which vehicle positions are sampled. Default is 5.
network_font_size : int, optional
The font size for the network labels in the animation. Default is 0.
trace_length : int, optional
The length of the vehicles' trajectory trails in the animation. Default is 3.
speed_coef : int, optional
A coefficient that adjusts the animation speed. Default is 2.
file_name : str, optional
The name of the file to which the animation is saved. It overrides the defauld name. Default is None.
antialiasing : bool, optional
If set to True, antialiasing is applied to the animation. Default is True.
This method generates a visually appealing animation that visualizes vehicles' trajectories across the transportation network over time.
The animation provides information on vehicle positions, speeds, link names, node locations, and more, with Bezier curves used for smooth transitions.
The generated animation is saved to the directory `out<W.name>` with a filename `anim_network_fancy.gif`.
Temporary images used to create the animation are removed after the animation is generated.
if s.W.vehicle_logging_timestep_interval != 1:
warnings.warn("vehicle_logging_timestep_interval is not 1. The animation is not exactly accurate.", LoggingWarning)
s.W.print(" generating animation...")
# ベジエ補間
from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline
#{t: ["xs":[], "ys":[], "v": v, "c":c]}
draw_dict = ddict(lambda: [])
maxx = max([n.x for n in s.W.NODES])
minx = min([n.x for n in s.W.NODES])
dcoef = (maxx-minx)/20
for veh in s.W.VEHICLES.values():
if s.W.rng.random() > sample_ratio:
ts = []
xs = []
ys = []
vs = []
dx = (s.W.rng.random()-0.5)*dcoef
dy = (s.W.rng.random()-0.5)*dcoef
for i in range(0, len(veh.log_t), interval):
if veh.log_state[i] == "run":
link = veh.log_link[i]
x0 = link.start_node.x+dx
y0 = link.start_node.y+dy
x1 = link.end_node.x+dx
y1 = link.end_node.y+dy
alpha = veh.log_x[i]/link.length
c = veh.color
for i in range(0, len(veh.log_t)):
if veh.log_state[i] == "run":
if len(ts) <= interval:
# 点列
points = np.array([xs, ys]).T
# x, y 座標を取得
x = points[:, 0]
y = points[:, 1]
# ベジエ曲線による補間
t = np.linspace(0, 1, len(points))
interp_size = len(ts)*interval
t_smooth = np.linspace(0, 1, interp_size)
bezier_spline = make_interp_spline(t, points, k=3)
smooth_points = bezier_spline(t_smooth)
for i in lange(t_smooth):
ii = max(0, i-trace_length)
if i < len(vs):
v = vs[i]
v = vs[-1]
"xs": smooth_points[ii:i+1, 0],
"ys": smooth_points[ii:i+1, 1],
"c": veh.color,
"v": v
# 可視化
maxx = max([n.x for n in s.W.NODES])
minx = min([n.x for n in s.W.NODES])
maxy = max([n.y for n in s.W.NODES])
miny = min([n.y for n in s.W.NODES])
if antialiasing:
scale = 2
scale = 1
coef = figsize*100*scale/(maxx-minx)
coef = figsize[0]*100*scale/(maxx-minx)
maxx *= coef
minx *= coef
maxy *= coef
miny *= coef
buffer = (maxx-minx)/10
maxx += buffer
minx -= buffer
maxy += buffer
miny -= buffer
pics = []
for t in tqdm(range(int(s.W.TMAX*0), int(s.W.TMAX*1), s.W.DELTAT*speed_coef)):
img = Image.new("RGBA", (int(maxx-minx), int(maxy-miny)), (255, 255, 255, 255))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
if network_font_size > 0:
font = ImageFont.truetype(s.font_file_like, int(network_font_size))
def flip(y):
return img.size[1]-y
for l in s.W.LINKS:
x1, y1 = l.start_node.x*coef-minx, l.start_node.y*coef-miny
x2, y2 = l.end_node.x*coef-minx, l.end_node.y*coef-miny
n_lane = l.number_of_lanes
draw.line([(x1, flip(y1)), (x2, flip(y2))], fill=(200,200,200), width=int(n_lane*scale), joint="curve")
if network_font_size > 0:
draw.text(((x1+x2)/2, flip((y1+y2)/2)), l.name, font=font, fill="blue", anchor="mm")
traces = draw_dict[t]
for trace in traces:
xs = trace["xs"]*coef-minx
ys = trace["ys"]*coef-miny
size = 1.5*(1-trace["v"])*scale
coords = [(l[0], flip(l[1])) for l in list(np.vstack([xs, ys]).T)]
fill=(int(trace["c"][0]*255), int(trace["c"][1]*255), int(trace["c"][2]*255)), width=scale, joint="curve")
draw.ellipse((xs[-1]-size, flip(ys[-1])-size, xs[-1]+size, flip(ys[-1])+size),
fill=(int(trace["c"][0]*255), int(trace["c"][1]*255), int(trace["c"][2]*255)))
#draw.line([(x1, flip(y1)), (xmid1, flip(ymid1)), (xmid2, flip(ymid2)), (x2, flip(y2))]
font_file_like = io.BytesIO(s.font_data) #for unknown reason, s.font_file_like cannot be resued
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_file_like, int(30))
draw.text((img.size[0]/2,20), f"t = {t :>8} (s)", font=font, fill="black", anchor="mm")
if antialiasing:
img = img.resize((int((maxx-minx)/scale), int((maxy-miny)/scale)), resample=Resampling.LANCZOS)
byte_stream = io.BytesIO()
img.save(byte_stream, format='PNG')
fname = f"out{s.W.name}/anim_network_fancy.gif"
if file_name != None:
fname = file_name
pics[0].save(fname, save_all=True, append_images=pics[1:], optimize=False, duration=animation_speed_inverse*speed_coef, loop=0)
# for f in glob.glob(f"out{s.W.name}/tmp_anim_*.png"):
# os.remove(f)
def compute_mfd(s, links=None):
Compute network average flow and density for MFD.
if links == None:
links = s.W.LINKS
links = [s.W.get_link(link) for link in links]
links = frozenset(links)
for i in range(len(s.W.Q_AREA[links])):
tn = sum([l.tn_mat[i,:].sum() for l in s.W.LINKS if l in links])
dn = sum([l.dn_mat[i,:].sum() for l in s.W.LINKS if l in links])
an = sum([l.length*s.W.EULAR_DT for l in s.W.LINKS if l in links])
s.W.K_AREA[links][i] = tn/an
s.W.Q_AREA[links][i] = dn/an
def macroscopic_fundamental_diagram(s, kappa=0.2, qmax=1, figtitle="", links=None, fname="", figsize=(4,4)):
Plots the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) for the provided links.
kappa : float, optional
The maximum network average density for the x-axis of the MFD plot. Default is 0.2.
qmax : float, optional
The maximum network average flow for the y-axis of the MFD plot. Default is 1.
links : list or object, optional
A list of links or a single link for which the MFD is to be plotted.
If not provided, the MFD for all the links in the network will be plotted.
fname : str
File name for saving (postfix). Default is "".
figsize : tuple of int, optional
The size of the figure to be plotted. Default is (4, 4).
This method plots the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) for the provided links.
The MFD provides a relationship between the network average density and the network average flow.
The plot is saved to the directory `out<W.name>` with the filename `mfd<fname>.png`.
if links == None:
links = s.W.LINKS
links = [s.W.get_link(link) for link in links]
links = frozenset(links)
plt.title(f"{figtitle} (# of links: {len(links)})")
plt.plot(s.W.K_AREA[links], s.W.Q_AREA[links], "ko-")
plt.xlabel("network average density (veh/m)")
plt.ylabel("network average flow (veh/s)")
plt.xlim([0, kappa])
plt.ylim([0, qmax])
if s.W.save_mode:
if s.W.show_mode:
def plot_vehicle_log(s, vehname):
Plots the driving link and speed for a single vehicle.
vehname : str
The name of the vehicle for which the driving link and speed are to be plotted.
This method visualizes the speed profile and the links traversed by a specific vehicle over time.
The speed is plotted on the primary y-axis, and the links are plotted on the secondary y-axis.
The plot is saved to the directory `out<W.name>` with the filename `vehicle_<vehname>.png`.
if s.W.vehicle_logging_timestep_interval != 1:
warnings.warn("vehicle_logging_timestep_interval is not 1. The plot is not exactly accurate.", LoggingWarning)
veh = s.W.VEHICLES[vehname]
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
plt.title(f"vehicle: {veh.name}")
ax1.fill_between(veh.log_t, 0, veh.log_v, color="c", zorder=10)
ax1.set_ylabel('speed (m/s)', color='c')
plt.ylim([0, None])
plt.xlabel("time (s)")
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
vehlinks = [str(l.name) if l != -1 else "not in network" for l in veh.log_link]
ax2.plot([veh.log_t[i] for i in lange(veh.log_t) if veh.log_state[i] != "home"], [vehlinks[i] for i in lange(vehlinks) if veh.log_state[i] != "home"], 'k-', zorder=20)
ax2.set_ylabel('link', color='k')
plt.ylim([0, None])
if s.W.save_mode:
if s.W.show_mode:
def plot_vehicles_log(s, vehnamelist):
Plots the driving link and speed for a single vehicle.
vehname : str
The name of the vehicle for which the driving link and speed are to be plotted.
This method visualizes the speed profile and the links traversed by a specific vehicle over time.
The speed is plotted on the primary y-axis, and the links are plotted on the secondary y-axis.
The plot is saved to the directory `out<W.name>` with the filename `vehicle_<vehname>.png`.
if s.W.vehicle_logging_timestep_interval != 1:
warnings.warn("vehicle_logging_timestep_interval is not 1. The plot is not exactly accurate.", LoggingWarning)
vehs = [s.W.VEHICLES[vehname] for vehname in vehnamelist]
for veh in vehs:
vehlinks = [str(l.name) if l != -1 else "not in network" for l in veh.log_link]
plt.plot([veh.log_t[i] for i in lange(veh.log_t) if veh.log_state[i] != "home"], [vehlinks[i] for i in lange(vehlinks) if veh.log_state[i] != "home"], c=veh.color, label=veh.name)
plt.ylim([0, None])
if s.W.save_mode:
if s.W.show_mode:
def vehicles_to_pandas(s):
Compute the detailed vehicle travel logs and return as a pandas DataFrame.
A DataFrame containing the travel logs of vehicles, with the columns:
- 'name': the name of the vehicle (platoon).
- 'dn': the platoon size.
- 'orig': the origin node of the vehicle's trip.
- 'dest': the destination node of the vehicle's trip.
- 't': the timestep.
- 'link': the link the vehicle is on (or relevant status).
- 'x': the position of the vehicle on the link.
- 's': the spacing of the vehicle.
- 'v': the speed of the vehicle.
if s.W.vehicle_logging_timestep_interval != 1:
warnings.warn("vehicle_logging_timestep_interval is not 1. The output data is not exactly accurate.", LoggingWarning)
if s.flag_pandas_convert == 0:
out = [["name", "dn", "orig", "dest", "t", "link", "x", "s", "v"]]
for veh in s.W.VEHICLES.values():
for i in range(len(veh.log_t)):
if veh.log_state[i] in ("wait", "run", "end", "abort"):
if veh.log_link[i] != -1:
linkname = veh.log_link[i].name
if veh.log_state[i] == "wait":
linkname = "waiting_at_origin_node"
elif veh.log_state[i] == "abort":
linkname = "trip_aborted"
linkname = "trip_end"
veh_dest_name = None
if veh.dest != None:
veh_dest_name = veh.dest.name
out.append([veh.name, s.W.DELTAN, veh.orig.name, veh_dest_name, veh.log_t[i], linkname, veh.log_x[i], veh.log_s[i], veh.log_v[i]])
s.df_vehicles = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])
s.flag_pandas_convert = 1
return s.df_vehicles
def log_vehicles_to_pandas(s):
same to `vehicles_to_pandas`, just for backward compatibility
return s.vehicles_to_pandas()
def vehicle_trip_to_pandas(s):
Compute the vehicle trip summary and return as a pandas DataFrame.
A DataFrame containing the trip summary of the vehicle trip logs, with the columns:
- 'name': the name of the vehicle (platoon).
- 'orig': the origin node of the vehicle's trip.
- 'dest': the destination node of the vehicle's trip.
- 'departure_time': the departure time of the vehicle.
- 'final_state': the final state of the vehicle.
- 'travel_time': the travel time of the vehicle.
- 'average_speed': the average speed of the vehicle.
- 'distance_traveled': the distance traveled by the vehicle.
out = [["name", "orig", "dest", "departure_time", "final_state", "travel_time", "average_speed", "distance_traveled"]]
for veh in s.W.VEHICLES.values():
veh_dest_name = veh.dest.name if veh.dest != None else None
veh_state = veh.log_state[-1]
veh_ave_speed = np.average([v for v in veh.log_v if v != -1])
veh_dist_traveled = veh.distance_traveled
out.append([veh.name, veh.orig.name, veh_dest_name, veh.departure_time*s.W.DELTAT, veh_state, veh.travel_time, veh_ave_speed, veh_dist_traveled])
s.df_vehicle_trip = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])
return s.df_vehicle_trip
def gps_like_log_to_pandas(s):
Generate GPS-like log (x and y in the coordinate system used for Node) of vehicles and return as a pandas DataFrame.
out = [["name", "t", "x", "y", "v"]]
for veh in s.W.VEHICLES.values():
for i,t in enumerate(veh.log_t):
x, y = veh.get_xy_coords(t)
if (x, y) == (-1, -1):
v = veh.log_v[i]
out.append([veh.name, t, x, y, v])
s.df_gps_like_log = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])
return s.df_gps_like_log
def basic_to_pandas(s):
Comutes the basic stats and return as a pandas DataFrame.
out = [["total_trips", "completed_trips", "total_travel_time", "average_travel_time", "total_delay", "average_delay"], [s.trip_all, s.trip_completed, s.total_travel_time, s.average_travel_time, s.total_delay, s.average_delay]]
s.df_basic = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])
return s.df_basic
def od_to_pandas(s):
Compute the OD-specific stats and return as a pandas DataFrame.
out = [["orig", "dest", "total_trips", "completed_trips", "free_travel_time", "average_travel_time", "stddiv_travel_time", "shortest_distance", "average_distance_traveled_per_veh", "stddiv_distance_traveled_per_veh"]]
for o,d in s.od_trips.keys():
out.append([o.name, d.name, s.od_trips[o,d], s.od_trips_comp[o,d], s.od_tt_free[o,d], s.od_tt_ave[o,d], s.od_tt_std[o,d], s.od_dist_min[o,d], s.od_dist_ave[o,d], s.od_dist_std[o,d]])
s.df_od = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])
return s.df_od
def areas2areas_to_pandas(s, areas, area_names=None):
Compute the area-wise OD-specific stats and return a pandas DataFrame. It analyzes travel stats between areas (set of nodes).
areas : list
The list of areas. Each area is defined as a list of nodes. The items of area can be Node objects or names of Nodes.
area_names : list, optional
The list of names of areas.
df = s.od_to_pandas()
o_name_rec = []
d_name_rec = []
total_trips_rec = []
completed_trips_rec = []
average_travel_time_rec = []
stddiv_travel_time_rec = []
average_distance_traveled_rec = []
stddiv_distance_traveled_rec = []
average_free_travel_time_rec = []
average_shortest_distance_rec = []
areas = [[s.W.get_node(n).name for n in area] for area in areas]
if area_names == None:
area_names = [f"area {i} including {areas[i][0]}" for i in range(len(areas))]
for i, origs in enumerate(areas):
for j, dests in enumerate(areas):
o_name = area_names[i]
d_name = area_names[j]
# print(o_name, d_name)
# group by area: average travel time from origs to dests
rows = df["orig"].isin(origs) & df["dest"].isin(dests)
total_tripss = np.array(df["total_trips"][rows])
average_travel_times = np.array(df["average_travel_time"][rows])
completed_tripss = np.array(df["completed_trips"][rows])
var_travel_times = np.array(df["stddiv_travel_time"][rows])**2
distance_traveleds = np.array(df["average_distance_traveled_per_veh"][rows])
var_distance_traveleds = np.array(df["stddiv_distance_traveled_per_veh"][rows])**2
free_travel_time_times = np.array(df["free_travel_time"][rows])
shortest_distances = np.array(df["shortest_distance"][rows])
# print(f"{total_tripss = }")
# print(f"{average_travel_times = }")
# print(f"{completed_tripss = }")
# print(f"{var_travel_times = }")
# print(f"{distance_traveleds = }")
# print(f"{var_distance_traveleds = }")
total_trips = total_tripss.sum()
completed_trips = completed_tripss.sum()
if total_trips:
average_travel_time = (completed_tripss*average_travel_times).sum()/completed_trips
var_travel_time = (completed_tripss*var_travel_times).sum()/completed_trips #wrong! there is a correct formula. TODO: implement
stddiv_travel_time = np.sqrt(var_travel_time)
average_shortest_distance = (total_tripss*shortest_distances).sum()/total_trips
# average_travel_time = np.nan
# var_travel_time = np.nan
# stddiv_travel_time = np.nan
# average_shortest_distance = np.nan
if completed_trips:
average_distance_traveled = (total_tripss*distance_traveleds).sum()/total_trips
var_distance_traveled = (total_tripss*distance_traveleds).sum()/total_trips #wrong!
stddiv_distance_traveled = np.sqrt(var_distance_traveled)
average_free_travel_time = (completed_tripss*free_travel_time_times).sum()/completed_trips
average_distance_traveled = np.nan
var_distance_traveled = np.nan
stddiv_distance_traveled = np.nan
average_free_travel_time = np.nan
# print(f"{total_trips = }")
# print(f"{completed_trips = }")
# print(f"{average_travel_time = }")
# print(f"{stddiv_travel_time = }")
# print(f"{average_distance_traveled = }")
# print(f"{stddiv_distance_traveled = }")
out = [["origin_area", "destination_area", "total_trips", "completed_trips", "average_travel_time", "average_free_travel_time", "average_distance_traveled", "average_shortest_distance"]]
out += [[o_name_rec[i], d_name_rec[i], total_trips_rec[i], completed_trips_rec[i], average_travel_time_rec[i], average_free_travel_time_rec[i], average_distance_traveled_rec[i], average_shortest_distance_rec[i]] for i in range(len(o_name_rec))]
s.df_areas2areas = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])
return s.df_areas2areas
def area_to_pandas(s, areas, area_names=None, border_include=True):
Compute traffic stats in area and return as pandas.DataFrame.
areas : list
The list of areas. Each area is defined as a list of nodes. The items of area can be Node objects or names of Nodes.
area_names : list, optional
The list of names of areas.
border_include : bool, optional
If set to True, the links on the border of the area are included in the analysis. Default is True.
# Precompute DataFrames
df_links = s.W.analyzer.link_to_pandas()
df_veh_link = s.W.analyzer.vehicles_to_pandas().drop_duplicates(subset=['name', 'link'])
# Prepare areas as sets for fast lookup
areas_set = [{s.W.get_node(n).name for n in area} for area in areas]
# Initialize result lists
n_links_rec = []
traffic_volume_rec = []
vehicles_remain_rec = []
total_travel_time_rec = []
average_delay_rec = []
average_speed_rec = []
vehicle_density_rec = []
# Vectorized approach to process all areas at once
for area_set in areas_set:
if border_include:
rows = df_links["start_node"].isin(area_set) | df_links["end_node"].isin(area_set)
rows = df_links["start_node"].isin(area_set) & df_links["end_node"].isin(area_set)
links = df_links.loc[rows, "link"].unique()
n_links = links.size
traffic_volume = df_veh_link[df_veh_link["link"].isin(links)]["name"].nunique() * s.W.DELTAN
vehicles_remain = df_links.loc[rows, "vehicles_remain"].sum()
if traffic_volume > 0:
traffic_volume_rows = (
df_links.loc[rows, "traffic_volume"] - df_links.loc[rows, "vehicles_remain"]).values
total_travel_time = np.sum(df_links.loc[rows, "average_travel_time"].values * traffic_volume_rows)
total_free_time = np.sum(df_links.loc[rows, "free_travel_time"].values * traffic_volume_rows)
average_delay = max(total_travel_time / total_free_time - 1, 0)
# Average speed calculation: total distance / total time
total_distance = np.sum(df_links.loc[rows, "length"].values * traffic_volume_rows)
average_speed = total_distance / total_travel_time if total_travel_time > 0 else np.nan
# Vehicle density calculation: total number of vehicles / total link length
total_link_length = df_links.loc[rows, "length"].sum()
vehicle_density = traffic_volume / total_link_length if total_link_length > 0 else np.nan
total_travel_time = 0
total_free_time = 0
average_delay = np.nan
average_speed = np.nan
vehicle_density = np.nan
# Append the results to lists
# Create DataFrame from the results
df_result = pd.DataFrame({
"area": area_names,
"n_links": n_links_rec,
"traffic_volume": traffic_volume_rec,
"vehicles_remain": vehicles_remain_rec,
"total_travel_time": total_travel_time_rec,
"average_delay": average_delay_rec,
"average_speed": average_speed_rec,
"vehicle_density": vehicle_density_rec,
s.df_area = df_result
return s.df_area
def vehicle_groups_to_pandas(s, groups, group_names=None):
Computes the stats of vehicle group and return as a pandas DataFrame.
groups : list
The list of vehicle groups. Each group is defined as a list of vehicle object.
group_names : list, optional
The list of names of vehicle groups.
df_od = s.W.analyzer.od_to_pandas()
if group_names == None:
group_names = [f"group {i} including {groups[0].name}" for i in range(len(groups))]
total_trip_rec = []
completed_trip_rec = []
average_travel_time_rec = []
average_delay_rec = []
std_delay_rec = []
average_traveled_distance_rec = []
average_detour_rec = []
std_detour_rec = []
averae_speed_rec = []
std_speed_rec = []
for i, group in enumerate(groups):
total_trips = 0
completed_trips = 0
travel_times = []
delays = []
traveled_distances = []
detours = []
speeds = []
for veh in group:
total_trips += 1
if veh.state == "end":
completed_trips += 1
free_travel_time = df_od["free_travel_time"][(df_od["orig"]==veh.orig.name) & (df_od["dest"]==veh.dest.name)].values[0]
shortest_distance = df_od["shortest_distance"][(df_od["orig"]==veh.orig.name) & (df_od["dest"]==veh.dest.name)].values[0]
#print(f"{group_names[i]=}, {np.average(travel_times)=}, {np.average(traveled_distances)=}, {np.average(delays)=}, {np.average(detours)=}, {np.std(delays)=}, {np.std(detours)=}, {np.average(speeds)}, {np.std(speeds)}")
if completed_trips > 0:
df = pd.DataFrame({
"group": group_names,
"total_trips": total_trip_rec,
"completed_trips": completed_trip_rec,
"average_travel_time": average_travel_time_rec,
"average_delay_ratio": average_delay_rec,
"std_delay_ratio": std_delay_rec,
"average_traveled_distance": average_traveled_distance_rec,
"average_detour_ratio": average_detour_rec,
"std_detour_ratio": std_detour_rec,
"average_speed": averae_speed_rec,
"std_speed": std_speed_rec,
s.df_vehicle_groups = df
return s.df_vehicle_groups
def mfd_to_pandas(s, links=None):
Compute the MFD-like stats and return as a pandas DataFrame.
if links == None:
links = s.W.LINKS
links = [s.W.get_link(link) for link in links]
links = frozenset(links)
out = [["t", "network_k", "network_q"]]
for i in lange(s.W.K_AREA):
out.append([i*s.W.EULAR_DT, s.W.K_AREA[links][i], s.W.Q_AREA[links][i]])
s.df_mfd = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])
return s.df_mfd
def link_to_pandas(s):
Converts the link-level analysis results to a pandas DataFrame.
out = [["link", "start_node", "end_node", "traffic_volume", "vehicles_remain", "free_travel_time", "average_travel_time", "stddiv_travel_time", "length"]]
for l in s.W.LINKS:
out.append([l.name, l.start_node.name, l.end_node.name, s.linkc_volume[l], s.linkc_remain[l], s.linkc_tt_free[l], s.linkc_tt_ave[l], s.linkc_tt_std[l], l.length])
s.df_linkc = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])
return s.df_linkc
def link_traffic_state_to_pandas(s):
Compute the traffic states in links and return as a pandas DataFrame.
out = [["link", "t", "x", "delta_t", "delta_x", "q", "k", "v"]]
for l in s.W.LINKS:
for i in range(l.k_mat.shape[0]):
for j in range(l.k_mat.shape[1]):
out.append([l.name, i*l.edie_dt, j*l.edie_dx, l.edie_dt, l.edie_dx, l.q_mat[i,j], l.k_mat[i,j], l.v_mat[i,j]])
s.df_link_traffic_state = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])
return s.df_link_traffic_state
def link_cumulative_to_pandas(s):
Compute the cumulative counts etc. in links and return as a pandas DataFrame.
out = [["link", "t", "arrival_count", "departure_count", "actual_travel_time", "instantanious_travel_time"]]
for link in s.W.LINKS:
for i in range(s.W.TSIZE):
out.append([link.name, i*s.W.DELTAT, link.cum_arrival[i], link.cum_departure[i], link.traveltime_actual[i], link.traveltime_instant[i]])
s.df_link_cumulative = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])
return s.df_link_cumulative
def output_data(s, fname=None):
Save all results to CSV files. This is obsolute; not all functions are implemented.
if fname == None:
fname = f"out{s.W.name}/data"
s.basic_to_pandas().to_csv(fname+"_basic.csv", index=False)
s.od_to_pandas().to_csv(fname+"_od.csv", index=False)
s.mfd_to_pandas().to_csv(fname+"_mfd.csv", index=False)
s.link_to_pandas().to_csv(fname+"_link.csv", index=False)
s.link_traffic_state_to_pandas().to_csv(fname+"_link_traffic_state.csv", index=False)
s.vehicles_to_pandas().to_csv(fname+"_vehicles.csv", index=False)