UXsim: An open source traffic simulator in Python


This is the portal site for the open source traffic flow simulator UXsim. You can access the latest version of the simulator from Github. The version featured in the book "Macroscopic Traffic Flow Simulation..." is also archived on Github for reference.

UXsim is an open-source, macroscopic and mesoscopic traffic flow simulator made with Python. It computes the dynamic traffic flow in a network by combining the following models:

This site was established to keep the URL mentioned in the book valid for as long as possible (For instance, if the Github URL had been included in the book, changes or termination of the service could render the link inaccessible). For details about the simulator, please refer to the following specialized sites.


2-hour simulation of a 10km x 10km grid network. Left: Link status, Right: Traces of some vehicles

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